August 17th is the birthday of our favorite finnish singer, so Tarja Brasil is planning a birthday gift for Tarja, and we'll give everyone a chance to be a part of it.
The gift consists on a video of fans congratulating her, or a picture with a greeting message.
TarjaBrasil's team will do everything possible so the video will get to Tarja, sending it to her husband and manager.
If you like to, you can send your video:
– Don't put background music in it;
– Don't make it over 40 seconds;
– The bigger the quality of your video, the better our edition, so try to film it in high quality!
If you choose the picture:
– Send only ONE picture with your message, but put the message in the e-mail and not in the picture. This way, we can standardize the messages sent in the video's editing process!
The deadline for this material is August 12th. Send to the e-mail Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo., entitling it as “Tarja's Birthday”. Don't forget to put in the e-mail your name and the country you live in!
Birthday surprise for Tarja!
- Detalhes
- 2012
- Acessos: 1310